

Making tips

STEP1 Draw a picture

First, paint freely.
We will use acrylic paint, modeling paste, and mini canvases.

The tempura batter will not adhere well to the flat surface of the painting, so please mix this modeling paste with the paint. The more three-dimensional the picture is, the better it will look when fried!

However, too much heaping will increase drying time, so care should be taken.

This amount will be a little less voluminous when fried.
However, if you want to “reduce drying time” or “don’t want to make mistakes,” this is about right!

Approximate drying time: about 30 minutes to 1 hour

Not too little, not too much, this amount will be just right!
It does not take much drying time and looks good when fried.

Approximate drying time: about 1 hour

If you put this much paint, it will take longer to dry and the probability of failure will increase!
You may be successful, but be prepared for failure!

Approximate drying time: 3 hours

STEP2 Dip in tempura batter

Apply the tempura batter to the position where you want it to be.
The batter liquid is available in two types: thick and crumbly, so choose whichever you like.

If you want a zesty texture like tempura, use a stiffer dough to shape it. If you want the bottom to look firm, a looser dough is recommended.

Wipe up with kitchen paper any drips on areas where you do not want to apply the picture batter.

It is also possible to put tempura batter only on the wool part without batter on the face, as in this work!

STEP3 Deep-fry in oil

Can be fried twice or three times.
Adjust the batter as you see fit, but be careful because the second time the batter will be thicker than you expect.

first fried

second fried

STEP4 Once it’s finished

There is a page where you can submit your work. Please feel free to submit the artwork title and a photo of your creation through the Recipe Submission page.
